Maintenance Technician
埃文河畔斯特拉特福, 英国 ;ABOUT GREYSTAR
Greystar is a leading, fully integrated global real estate company offering expertise in property management, investment management, development and construction services in institutional-quality rental housing, logistics, and life sciences sectors. Headquartered in Charleston, South Carolina, Greystar manages and operates over $315 billion of real estate in 250 markets globally with offices throughout North America, Europe, South America, and the Asia-Pacific region. Greystar is the largest operator of apartments in the United States, manages more than 1,000,000 units/beds globally, and has a robust institutional investment management platform comprised of more than $78 billion of assets under management, including over $36 billion of development assets. Greystar was founded by Bob Faith in 1993 to become a provider of world-class service in the rental residential real estate business. To learn more, visit
- Work as part of a friendly and supportive team playing a vital role within the Community team to ensure all our residents enjoy a high level of cleanliness throughout their community.
- Communicate effectively with customers, clients and colleagues; demonstrating a clear understanding of the issue and using initiative to respond accordingly
- Maintain a focus on delivering services within agreed budgetary & resource parameters
- Monitor the electronic maintenance reporting system through TCAS or Base360 daily ensuring tasks are completed to a high standard and within suitable time scales, corresponding with tenants when required.
- Administer all property maintenance & records in accordance with Greystar policies & procedures
- Maintain adequate levels of spares, stock and supplies, ensuring effective forward planning
- To respond to calls outside office hours which cannot be resolved without a presence on site referring to appropriate contractors as necessary
- Undertake repair and maintenance tasks to a high quality including plumbing; joinery and carpentry; painting/decorating; maintenance of lighting and; required statutory testing
- Understand and respond to health and safety matters in an appropriate & timely manner
- Moving furniture and heavy items from location to location on site as required
- Ensure all common parts of the site including refuse and recycling facilities are frequently inspected and maintained tothe highest standards of repair & cleanliness.
- Co-ordinate Contractors/Suppliers executing minor works contract on site
- Monitor Sub-Contractors performance to standard and retain accurate records of their site operations including all relevant RAMS & Permits to Work.
- Highlight and assist withthe management ofany community works.
- Assist the Community Manager in key management ensuring high levels of security at all times.
- Accompany external contractors whilst on site in line with key management and access to accommodation policies and practice.
- Ensure annual checks are carried out for their statutory insurance and qualifications.
- Ensure the gardens and grounds maintenance to the property are well maintained, clean, tidy and hazard free, supervising external contractors as required
- Manage & maintain all statutory testing records, utilising other team members where appropriate
- Carry out annual PAT testing and inspections of emergency lighting, weekly fire alarm tests and fire evacuations
- Practices proper safety techniques in accordance with Company and safe systems of work guidelines
- Reportany incidents or accidents to the Community Manager using the correct system and documentation
- Review site risk assessments as required with Community Manager.
- Look to maximise efficiency of utilities
- Areasonablelevelof generaleducationeducated toO’Level/ GCSElevelor equivalentwithdemonstrable writtenandnumericalskills.
- AwarenessofH&Srequirements onsite
- Continuallystrives toimproveknowledge,skills andabilities toproducethebest results
- Arecognisedtradequalification,BuildingCraftsOperativeCertificate,CityandGuildsorNVQrelevanttoundertakingrepairsandmaintenanceinaresidential buildingisessentialexperience in Decorating and making good
- Experience ofundertakingrepairs andmaintenanceinadomesticresidentialenvironmentoras ageneralbuilder /residentialconstructioninthefollowingtrades; plumber,electricianorcarpenter
- Fluent Englishverbal andwrittencommunicationskills
- Helpful, friendlypersonalitywitheffectivecommunicationskills behavinginaprofessional,courteous and helpfulmannertowardscolleaguesandresidents atalltimes
- Good teamplayer withstrongrelationshipbuildingandinfluencingskills
- Positive approachandability toworkwith littlesupervision
- Ability todeterminecost effectivesolutionstorepairs
- Contractor& Supplier Supervisionskills aredesirable
- Excellentorganisationskillswiththeability tomultitaskandprioritise
- Numericalskills necessarytocompletetheaboveactivities
- Flexibleapproachtoworkandadaptabletothriveinachangingenvironment.