“Without a doubt, what I am most proud of is our
incredible team. Greystar is made up of the most
talented, hardworking, and caring people in the
world, and I am so proud of our work each and every
Bob Faith,
Founder, Chairman, and CEO
Whitney John
Project Coordinator, Development
“Greystar is a company where doing your best
comes naturally because of the positive environment
they have established and maintained.”
Ennis Sligh
Community Manager, Property Management
“You should have to have a passion for what you
do, and you should have to have a passion for the
company that you work for. I've never worked for a
company as wonderful as Greystar. We're not just
the largest multifamily company in the US, but in
the world. I think that speaks loudly.”
“When people ask me if I love what I do or who I
work for, I never hesitate with my answer. The
people at Greystar and the company as a whole truly
care about you and support you to be the best
version of yourself.”
Derek Ramsey
Executive Managing Director, Office of CFO
"Culture is the number one thing that we think
about as a leadership team at Greystar. We try to
build connections and bridges for open
communication across business lines, and across
geographies, so that everybody really understands
what it's like to be a part of the Greystar
Mandisa Khabo
Technical Development Manager (UK)
"The opportunities for personal development at
Greystar have been phenomenal along with my
long-term vision to get involved more in overseeing
construction projects."
我们的团队是公司文化的关键,因此,我们致力于吸纳业内顶尖人才。诚如 Greystar 创始人、董事长兼首席执行官 Bob Faith 所言,“我们的核心价值观和我们的员工是我们一切工作的核心”。“虽然时代发展,科学技术日新月异,但正是凭借我们的员工,Greystar 成为了全球住宅租赁领域的领军者”。
Greystar 荣获了许多地方、国家/地区和全球奖项。最近,我们获得了三大 2021 年度 PERE 奖项:北美洲年度最佳住宅投资者 (Residential Investor of the Year, North America);欧洲年度最佳住宅投资者 (Residential Investor of the Year, Europe);亚洲年度最佳住宅投资者 (Residential Investor of the Year, Asia),并在 2022 年被全国多户住房委员会评为第一大管理商、第一大开发商和第一大建筑商。
多样性、平等和包容 (DEI)
我们的核心价值观培养了一个多元化、平等和包容的环境,并建立了指引团队成员、居民、社区和合作伙伴的基础和思维方式。我们的 DEI 工作由团队成员主导并由领导层倡导,这巩固了我们的承诺——将 Greystar 打造成一个适合所有人工作的场所。我们始终同舟共济,这也是 Greystar 真正同心协力推动 DEI 的原因所在。
Greystar Giving
除了回馈当地和全球非营利组织外,Greystar 还建立了一个相互支持的慈善倡议组织:
“Stars in Need”为经历重大困难(如自然灾害或医疗紧急情况)而陷入严重经济危机的团队成员及其家人提供经济援助。